Hockey Club
Established 1984
On behalf of the Committee, coaches, umpires and players, we welcome you to Plymouth Hockey Club. Our Club is the oldest club in Plymouth, a registered charity and one of only two clubs hold the prestigious Clubs First award. We are the friendliest Club in the City; totally inclusive and open to anyone who wants to play hockey ‘regardless of skill or ability’.

A message from Rob White
(Club Chairman)

A message from Rob White
(Club Chairman)

Coaching & Training
Beginning the first Sunday of September, training sessions take place every week through until April. Training for all age groups takes place from 10am and noon. U12 and above are more than welcome to join in on the younger player’s sessions as an umpire, support coach, or helper.
Subscriptions are due after your first 6 weeks.
First member £90.00
Siblings £70.00
We believe that money should not be a barrier to enjoying hockey. If payment of fees is a concern, please speak in confidence to the Chairman.
Entry to these competitions is entirely dependent on volunteer support. Each team must have a coach to ‘play’ the team; a manager to administer the team and an umpire.
The wearing of shin guards by all players is compulsory in hockey. The use of gum shields is left to the discretion of parents, but are strongly advised. Protective gloves are available on the internet. Players should consider a black long-sleeve skin-type top to be worn under their playing shirt.
Coaches: Black ‘PHC Coach’ jacket.
Training: Relaxed.

The wearing of shin guards by all players is compulsory in hockey. The use of gum shields is left to the discretion of parents, but are strongly advised. Protective gloves are available on the internet. Players should consider a black long-sleeve skin-type top to be worn under their playing shirt.
Coaches: Black ‘PHC Coach’ jacket.
Training: Relaxed.

Minutes taken from our last Annual General Meeting
The constitution sets out the administration of the club
The rules and regulations we adhere to at the club
Membership Form
Our Club Membership from.
League Dates
Devon and Plymouth league dates
End of the season!!!

Prize giving and BBQ: Held at BullPoint Astro:
The highlight and culmination of our season is the prize giving and Club BBQ on Sunday 22rd June 2025. Every player receives a certificate. Three awards per team are presented: Player’s Player (popular vote), Most Improved Player and the Coaches Award. There are also awards and citations for individuals who have excelled in some way through the season.

Prize giving and BBQ: Held at BullPoint Astro:
The highlight and culmination of our season is the prize giving and Club BBQ on Sunday 22rd June 2025. Every player receives a certificate. Three awards per team are presented: Player’s Player (popular vote), Most Improved Player and the Coaches Award. There are also awards and citations for individuals who have excelled in some way through the season.

End of Season Party: Held at Big Dunk’s Laser Tag, Delabole.
The end of season party is Laser Quest and is held at Big Dunk’s Laser Tag, Trevilley farm, Nr Wadebridge, Delabole PL33 9EU on Saturday 26th April 2025. We have a special dispensation regarding age so that everyone can take part. We welcome friends and family. Food can be purchased on site or you can bring a picnic.
We adhere to England Hockey’s Safeguarding policy and a link to their policy is below.
Could you be a coach or an umpire? Would you like to try? Well, this is the place. You can start today by working alongside an established experienced coach or umpire. Our club is run entirely by volunteers and self-financing, so it is essential that club members, parents and friends step forward to fill roles on the committee, as team managers and coaches. Volunteers need not have previous experience; the Club will provide and fund all the training needed.

Who’s Who
Committee & Trustees
Chairman – Rob White * 07861 250682
Secretary – Emily Boucher *
Treasurer – Glyn Parry *
Welfare – Angela May *
Volunteers – Jo Weston
Communications – Emily Boucher
Equipment – Brian Boucher
* Trustee.
Covid Officer – Rob White
Contact the committee: (Enable Javascript to see the email address)
Lead Coaches
U14 – Glyn “Fred” Parry
U12 – James Nicholls
U10 – Tom Hind
U8 – Bethany Cornish
Contact the coaches: (Enable Javascript to see the email address)
Our Sponsors

Contact us
Bull Point Playing Fields
Kinterbury Road
Chairman – Rob White 07861 250682
Contact the committee: (Enable Javascript to see the email address)
Contact the coaches: (Enable Javascript to see the email address)